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Saturday, 31 December 2011

My Honey, Angel..2/6/2009-20/12/2011

Sedihnye!my honey mati tanggal 20/12/11..hr ni genap 10hr die meninggalkn aku..walaupun die hanye seekor kucing tp byk kenangan aku dgn die..teringat masa mula2 aku dpt die..org kat office bg die kat aku sempena birthday aku,30/5/2009 cz aku mmg suke kucing..masa 2 aku xth pun die ngandung cz die kecik lagi..dlm sethn kot..tiap2 mlm tido kat dada aku..xpun kt sebelah aku..de 1 hr 2 aku ngigau t'tolak die jatuh..cian sungguh!tp die tetap dtg kat aku,manja2 kat aku..aku mintak maaf kat die,die gesel2 muka die kat aku..
2nd thing yg masing t'bayang di mata ialah saat die melahirkn ank2 die..aku br blk dr keja masa 2..aku tgk knp de air campur darah kt lantai bilik aku..aku cari die..die lahirkan 5ekor babies seorg diri..aku nangis t'sedu2 tgk p'deritaan die walaupun aku xtgk die beranak tapi darah yg de bt aku seriau cz aku sepatutnye ada masa kejadian 2..aku yg penakut dgn anak kucing baru lahir,kuatkn semangat aku utk letak diaorg dlm kotak..pas 2, aku mcm biasa bg mkn kt diaorg ..smpi diaorg dh bsr..
19/12/11,ptg 2 aku br blk dr kuar dgn member aku, Faizal..aku mmg slalu klu blk aku akn jerit pggl diaorg syg..&diaorg akn nyahut..tp aku rasa lain cz 1suara xde..bile aku jenguk aku tgk angel t'baring lemah..langsung xblh diri..die mcm lumpuh..aku angkat die,aku suapkn die mkn..die minum sikit je susu..mkn mknn kucing sikit,pas 2 lembik..aku dah panik..nangis je..cz aku sygkn die..aku call mak aku..suruh die blk time 2 gak..sambil 2 aku selimutkn die cz kaki,tgn die sejuk sgt..mak aku blk je aku trs msk keta,drive g klinik..kt klinik,doc ckp tgk condition die,die hanye blh b'tahan 10-20% je..2pun kalau die ok..kalau hdp pun mgkin die cacat & ambik masa utk recover..aku dh nangis sedu2..xblh kehilangan die..so,masa 2 drip air msk bdn die..dh kritikal sgt2..pas 2 doc suntik dgn ubat cacing & antibiotik..then,doc bg die mkn mknn kucing dlm tin utk kucing yg sakit..die lalu sgt mkn..& doc pun bg harapan mgkin die blh recover..aku nangis syukur..tp sangkaan kami xbtl..malam 2 aku xtido jaga die je..setiap jam aku bangun utk tukar kain alas die,selimut die,bg die mkn,minum..cian sgguh die..de 1kali 2 masa aku riba die,die t'kencing atas aku..pas 2 die bunyi..mcm die mintak maaf..sayu aku tgk muka die..aku nangis je..aku xth mcmana rasanye kalau kehilangan die cz aku dah anggap die mcm anak aku sendiri..pas 2 aku t'tido..mak kejutkn aku subuh..mak ckp angel dh nazak..aku terus meluru ke bawah..die dh pandang ke atas..aku panggil nama die..die pandang je aku..aku nangis t'sedu2..aku meratap.."Angel,jgn tinggalkn aku.."siksanye saat nyawa die dicabut..die cakar2 kotak,tendang2..aku nangis semahu2nye..last aku tgk dada die berombak....&b'henti..mata die t'buka,mulut t'nganga..masa 2 aku meluru naik bilik aku..aku nangis semahu2nye..angel dh g tgglkn pada pkl7.20pg,20/12/11..pkl9pg, pas aku dah ok sikit,br aku tanam die..aku mintak tlg adik aku tanamkn..masa 2 aku sempat usap die bt kali terakhir..sejuk sgguh bdn die..Ya Allah, aku nk sgt2 jmpe die kt akhirat nnti..aku t'lalu rindukn die..even masa aku taip ni aku nangis rindukn die..semoga die gembira di sana..Rest In Peace, My Love, Angel..

Tinggal Kenangan...Angel...

Monday, 26 December 2011


Kalau aku malunye aku cz kuarkn statement mcm 2..by da way, if keta aku kena tarik pun it's not ur problem & for ur info, kalau le kena tarik, xdela keta 2 cantik b'kilat kt dpn rumah aku ni?ciannye..kalau salah info,x ke malu..??haha..lg 1,aku rasa ko lg hina..xdela mak bapak org lain t'paksa cari anak diaorg ke hulu ke hilir..siap ugut2 nk pukul org lain..mak bapak ko xreti jaga anak ke sampai anak ke mana pun xtahu?anak dah memang rosak, nak salahkan org lain..patut didik anak elok2..baru le xjadi liar a.k.a SO SIAL..sian sungguh!
By da way le,aku xnak pun kt Kahin 2..aku still kawan dgn die pun cz kami mmg dh lama kwn..die pun baik je..selagi die xsakitkan ati aku dgn perkara mengarut,aku ok je..lgpun aku bukan p'dendam & otak xmatured macam ko..sikit2 nak gaduh..tanye baik nak gaduh,tanya kasar pun gaduh..ke ko ni memang mereng?lagipun, aku dah de bf yg lagi bagus..dah rancang nak kawen dh pun..insyaallah 3/6/12,kami b'tunang & 10/11/12, kami kawen..nikah & majlis sume buat kat singapore..standard sikit dr ko yg xmampu..nak bt kt dewan pun pikir byk kali..ciannye!xpela..rezeki aku dpt bkl hubby engineer construction kt sana..&i'll be singaporean..stay kat sana..syoknye dpt hdp kt tmpt baru & singaporean xde pun perangai terencat mcm ko..sume educated..sesuai le dgn taraf aku yg educated ni..haha..

My Bakal Hubby, Izal Bin Amiruddin..

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Cian Die..

hr ni aku g service keta kt workshop abg angkat aku, Zaini..masa 2 Kahin call die psl something yg aku sendiri xphm..aku pun tanye la kt Zaini pe die..Zaini cite prmpn pendek ex die, Hasniza Mirza 2 xblk rmh..ayah prmpn 2 salahkan Kahin bwk die kuar xblk2 tp bak kata Zaini, prmpn 2 mmg sosial a.k.a SO SIAL..yg SO SIAL ni aku yg tmbh ok?huhu..ntah pape le..mcm le anak die lawa sgt..Kahin pun xnk le kt prmpn mcm 2..tp cian Kahin..walaupun die penah lukakan ati aku tp ntahle..aku ni susah nk b'dendam dgn org..aku siap de rasa simpati & nk tlg die lg..pe ye yg patut aku bt?tgh m'cari jln..1st kena sedarkn mata org2 yg tuduh Kahin yg Kahin mmg dh lama xsuke prmpn 2..2nd br dpt bersihkn nama die..& die pun happily ever after..aku nk tlg ikhlas..cz walaupun aku xde jodoh dgn die, aku ttp sygkn die & die bestfriend aku..so, project time..huhu..wish me luck!

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Die ajak jmpe..

Hr ni die ajak aku date..sape lg klu bkn ex bf aku, Encik Kahin Leong..kami jmpe je..huhu..tp nmpk cam die caring sgt..cara die mcm le die lelaki plg baik di dunia..haha..ntahle..mrh aku pd die dh ilang..mgkin cz aku xkisah or xt'luka sgt..or aku mmg dh fed up dgn die..jahat plak aku ni ye?tp aku dh jmpe lelaki lain dlm hdp aku..IZAL BIN AMIRUDDIN..singaporean..engineer construction kat sana..he's cute..walaupun dh 30thn..de BMW lg..best2..wah..materialistik plak aku ni..haha..pape pun aku mahu yg terbaik dlm hdp aku..cuma die mintak kami nikah di singapore cz klu nikah kat malaysia, byk prosedur & paperwork..then, die hanye blh msk singapore hanye beberapa kali je dlm setahun..tp sblm kawen aku mmg kena bt surat perjanjian pra-perkahwinan..kawen dgn org negara lain, in case cerai, susah..aku xnk anak2 aku jd mangsa..walaupun die baik tp aku perlu b'hati2..nanti aku akan upload pic die..ok?

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Akhirnye Single..

aku dh clash dh dgn Mr Kahin Leong pd 29 Oct 2011..
that's all i can say..& now i'm single, a happy woman..

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Adoi..Sakitnye Demam..

Hr ni aku demam..th le smlm dpt jmpe lalink..trs demam plak 2..haha..hr ni xde mood sgt..rasa nk tido je..blh x?lalink risau suruh mkn ubat cpt2 takut melarat..tp aku dgn slumber ckp xpela..nnti lalink blh melawat syg..blh manje2..die hanye gelakkn je..cz die th betapa manje nye aku dgn die..smlm nk blk pun brp kali aku cium, peluk die..ikutkn ati xnk lepas..haha..die pun cium aku byk2 kali..best2..alangkah seronoknye kalau kami ni suami is3..tp die ckp die xready lg nk jd suami aku..die takut, xyakin pd diri sendiri..die takut kecewakn aku..
Lalink, walaupun sblm ni aku xpenah hdp susah tp utk hdp dgn mu aku sanggup..teringin nk de baby tau..hasil & benih cinta kite..hehe..smlm t'kejut & ngeri muka lalink, aku bg tgk kt youtube melahirkn baby secara normal..tp pas 2 die senyum cz tgk baby comel yg kuar..seronok kn?lalink jnji akan sambut baby kite nnti ms syg lahirkn..bestnye..xsbr saat 2..jgn lalink pengsan kt labour room dhle ye?hahaha..& we'll live happily ever after..kn2?

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Kerinduan Yang Teramat..

Rindunye aku kt si die, Mohd Kahin Leong Bin Rahmat Leong..hanye Allah sj yg th perasaan aku ni..lama giler xjmpe die..last jmpe ms aku ambik die kt ofis die cz moto die rosak..aku ms 2 br blk dr interview kt ofis my mum..pas 2 kami g mkn tom yam kt kg baru..sdp tom yam 2..lg2 my lalink de kt sblh..die asyik ketawa je cz happy aku de sblh..mama die asyik call je tanye psl moto rosak die yg die biarkn kt tepi jln..haha..
bile nk jmpe ni lalink?really miss u..aku ni plak klu xjmpe die, mula le rasa gelisah je..
tp td aku call die..dgr suara die je t'ngalir air mata..gembira cz rindu..mmg le sblm ni de borak2 dlm hp gak..tp xth le knp sejak dua menjak ni aku bebenor sensitif..kuat majuk & kuat nangis..haha..xsenonoh anak dara ni..nsb baik de hero dok pujuk..haha..best tau bile org yg kite syg pujuk kite mcm td aku nangis cz rindukn die sgt2.die btl2 memahamiku..
haha..2le kami..bile aku x ok, die memujuk..bile die x ok, aku plak memujuk..tp bagus gak..sorg api, sorg air..br harmoni kehidupan..tp 1 je yg lain..die ni suke nyakat aku..die th aku xsuke klu die de pape dgn prmpn lain..die sj je nyakat aku ckp nk prmpn 2 le, nk prmpn ni le..bile aku senyap cz geram, die gelakkn aku plak..kureng je!tp aku pun klu de peluang slalu gak nyakat die..pggl die buaya 'gold' le, skeleton..hehe..& yg plg best aku suke bau bdn die..whatever le pe org nk ckp tp mmg aku suke..that's y aku suke peluk, kiss die..die plak suke cium aku..klu blh, setiap inci muka aku ni die nk cium..hehe..mcm ni le perangai kami..gile2..happy g lucky & spontanius..& sebb ni le kami masih kekal..semoga jodoh kami pjg..amin..
i love u, always love u & still love u..
so much & 4ever..

si comel dgn muka ngantuk..haha..

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Ada Betina Gile Meroyan Sebenarnye..Cian!

Ada le seorg betina xsdr diri b'nama Hasniza Mirza..gile ke minah 2?mmg pun..meroyan xsudah..mula2 aku tanye dgn penuh sopan cz die 2 ex gf pd bf aku, Mohd Kahin Leong..slh ke aku tanye baik2 dgn niat aku nk b'kwn dgn die..walaupun die kurang ajar hntr msg bkn2 kt ex bf aku, asyraf..

Hasniza Mirza 5:10am Aug 8
sory kaco u..bole i tnye sumtin...btw plss private kn our msg ni ye..don let anybody noe...

ini gF u or EXgf u???
n die cpl dgn kahin leong rite??

Mohd Asyraf 5:26am Aug 10
ex gurl.. Yup dia dh kapel ngn kahin. Y?

Hasniza Mirza 5:33am Aug 10
Owh.juz asking.mse die bru cpl dgn kahin tu.i still gf die..after i find out die dgn bitch tu..i trus break up..ok..dh x de pe..ari 2 pnye cite je..sory kaco u. [via Celcom SMS]

Mohd Asyraf 8:43pm Aug 10
rilek je beb.. Ni sume permainan dunia.. Ko kenal ker that gurl??

Hasniza Mirza
x kenal pn....if kenal x de lh tnye...huhuhu..it ok...sian that gurl...kahin tu actually nk kat die sbb duet die je....tipu lah kahin ske die btol2....x cun kot....kahin x kn suke klu x de sumtin dekat die...dh knal sgt kot kahin tu cm ne.....hahahah...btw sory lah....terkutuk xgf kau....

Aku plak dgn sopan hntr mcm ni kt die walaupun dh th die kutuk aku..

    • August 13
      Ika Lee
      • hi..u ni ex gf kahin ye?i juz want 2 ask u sumthin'..masa i couple dgn die, u dgn die ke sbnrnye?cz die ckp die single&die yg nk i sgt2..&i th i xlawa but everyone has their own charms..&i xde duit..trs trg i xkeja skrg..kahin yg byk support i..dh sebln lebih i xkeja..mmg dulu i de byk duit...4k 2 celah gigi je..tp i'm nothing right now..i dh b'henti atas sebb2 t'tentu..tp i dgn kahin dh kenal lama..dr i skolah rendah&sebnrnye mula ada perasaan seawal form2..even kami g holiday sama2 with families..10thn kami simpan perasaan 2 cz masing2 loser..i nk kejar cita2&die,huha2..xpela..nnti i akn tanye die kebenaran..i bkn nk gaduh or what..but i juz want the truth..maybe kite blh jd kwn..i dont mind 2 be friend with u..setiap org de lakukn kesilapan..maybe die de lakukn kesilapn dgn u&die perlu mintak maaf..i'll try 2 talk with him..
    • Hasniza Mirza
      August 21
      Hasniza Mirza
      • I mmg dh de bf..so i don care about this junk..even i cpl ke x ke..i x penah anggp die bf i..so exactly die bkn bf i pn..n bgus die ckp die single wif u..n no wonder u pmpuan yg ke bp die tpu die still single..n for u'r info watch out wif his acting..tkt u plak yg terkena..i noe him very well..k daa..

    • August 22
      Ika Lee
      • u don't know him well as i do..even his family sume i kenal..mmg die nakal & player dulu tp die dh lain skrg..die nmpk matang..not same as before..die start pikir masa dpn..& die xsehavoc dulu..everything he'll refer to me, ask for my opinion & we'll jump out with the conclusion to settle the problems..& we're dont have any secret between us..so, u know what i mean right?& secara logik, kalau die nk main2kn i, pe yg i de utk kepentingan die?nothing..i yg byk pau die, mintak die blnje mcm2 adale..even insyallah die nk belikn branded handbag kt i bile die dpt gaji nnti..isn't that approved that he's not like what u've said..die syg i sgt2..& i th die jujur dr dulu lg..mgkin die dgn u hanye utk suka2,enjoy2..u know lah..lelaki player mmg suke enjoy dgn ramai prmpn sblm kekal dgn seseorg..

        Kan aku dh bengang..nsb sikit je..tp aku b'tambah berapi bile die terang2 kutuk aku kt blog die..ckp aku mcm2..tgk le sendiri..
        By da way, aku xde pun tanye ko dh de bf ke x..& klu ko xde pape dgn kahin, knp ko letak die dlm blog ko ckp ko cinta die & mcm2 lg?mcm sewel je ko ni..

        Whatever le..aku mls nk lyn org xguna mcm ko..klu nk th, Kahin hanya main2kn ko..malu le wei..senang giler ko kena pancing kn?haha..kahin pun pggl muka ko muka katak byk nyanyi..huduhnye muka ko smpi disamakn dgn katak..hahahahahahaha!

        by da way, apasal letak psl rindu2 sume 2?
        tarikh 20 August..2bln yg lalu..pun nk jd cite ke?lapuk dhle..cian sgguh!nmpk sgt nk perhatian..desperated & xth malu..

        lg 1, nk ckp aku gemuk plak?walaupun aku gemuk, muka aku sweet & aku de ramai secret admire & yg x secret pun de b'lambak..anak dato', senior engineer gamuda berhad, pegawai tadbir UM, pegawai Maybank, supervisor p'kapalan & mcm2 lg..so, wa xde heran sama lu..
        lgpun, aku seorg yg educated..de byk pengalaman jd secretary & even aku nk jd flight attendant (FA), anytime cz mmg de sijil dr Transair Academy..& aku de aset..dr segi rupa, harta & darjat..by da way, aku ni cousin Khairy Jamaluddin (KJ)..Ketua Pemuda UMNO & Wakil Rakyat Rembau..So, wa xde heran lor sama lu..

        bkn mcm ko..dhle xbrp nk tggi, si pendek, hodoh plak 2..dgn hidung kembang & kemek ko 2..setakat technician pun dh nk b'lagak..& by da way, brp CGPA ko 2?aku th xseberapa le..cz aku th thp low nye akal ko sebb 2 bile aku ckp baik2 ko meroyan xtentu psl..lg 1, aku tgk ko je aku dh th ko prmpn yg mcmana..lelaki xperlukn prmpn yg sexy, pakai bj xcukup kain, akal cetek utk dibuat bini..prmpn yg th jg diri, akal tajam, fikiran matured je antara ciri2 yg lelaki akn bt bini..

        by da way, ko xpyh nk berangan nk pecah2kn muka aku..ko ingat aku ni prmpn melayu terakhir ke?sorry le beb..ko xrasa lg tumbukan padu aku kt muka ko blh le ko ckp..setakat prmpn mcm ko aku xheran le..aku dh penah b'tumbuk dgn lelaki, b'gusti & pe kebenda yg sealiran dgn membelasah org, sume aku dh penah bt..mari le..jgn ckp je lebih..ko 2 dh le pendek..aku tumbuk kepala ko je ko dh pening nk pitam..hahaha!

        whatever le..cian ko kn?mcm prmpn xde maruah je jaja cerita sendiri..pas 2 nk sound org mcm ko 2 bdk good sgt..sdgkn org lain xth benda yg sbnrnye..perangai ko yg m'jelakkn..hahaha!




Friday, 30 September 2011

I Do _Colbie Caillat

It's always been about me myself and I
If all relationships were nothing but a waste of time
I never wanted to be anybody's other half
I was happy sayin our love wouldn't last
That was the only way I knew til I met you

You make we wanna say
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Yeah, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before we spend like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I can live without it, I can let it go
Ooh, what did I get myself into
You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do,
[ Lyrics from: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/c/colbie_caillat/i_do.html ]
Tell me is it only me
Do you feel the same?
You know me well enough to know that I'm not playing games
I promise I won't turn around and I won't let you down
You can trust I never felt it like I feel it now
Baby there's nothing, there's nothing we can't get through

So can we say
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before we spend like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I won't live without it, I won't let it go
Wooh Can I get myself into
You make we wanna say

Me a family, a house a family
Ooh, can we be a family?
And when I'm 80 years old and sittin next to you.

And when we remember when we said
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before we spend like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I won't live without it, I won't let us go
Just look at what we got ourselves into
You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do,
Love you

Our Song - Taylor Swift

I was riding shotgun with my hair undone
In the front seat of his car
He's got a one-hand feel on the steering wheel
The other on my heart

I look around, turn the radio down
He says, 'Baby is something wrong?'
I say, 'Nothing I was just thinking
How we don't have a song?' and he says

Our song is the slamming screen door
Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window
When we're on the phone and you talk real slow
'Cause it's late and your mama don't know

Our song is the way you laugh
The first date man, I didn't kiss her and I should have
And when I got home, 'fore I said amen
Asking God if He could play it again

I was walking up the front porch steps
After everything that day
Had gone all wrong or been trampled on
And lost and thrown away

Got to the hallway, well, on my way
To my lovin' bed
I almost didn't notice all the roses
And the note that said

Our song is the slamming screen door
Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window
When we're on the phone and you talk real slow
'Cause it's late and your mama don't know

Our song is the way you laugh
The first date man, I didn't kiss her and I should have
And when I got home, 'fore I said amen
Asking God if He could play it again

I've heard every album, listened to the radio
Waited for something to come along
That was as good as our song

'Cause our song is the slamming screen door
Sneakin' out late, tapping on his window
When we're on the phone and he talks real slow
'Cause it's late and his mama don't know

Our song is the way he laughs
The first date man, I didn't kiss him and I should have
And when I got home, 'fore I said amen
Asking God if He could play it again
Play it again, oh, yeah, oh, oh, yeah

I was riding shotgun with my hair undone
In the front seat of his car
I grabbed a pen and an old napkin
And I wrote down our song

Monday, 26 September 2011

Mood Di Saat Ini..

HERO - Enrique Iglesias

Let me be your hero

Would you dance, if I asked you to dance?
Would you run, and never look back?
Would you cry, if you saw me crying?
And would you save my soul, tonight?

Would you tremble, if I touched your lips?
Would you laugh? Oh please tell me this
Now would you die, for the one you love?
Hold me in your arms, tonight

I can be your hero, baby

I can kiss away the pain
I will stand by you forever
You can take my breath away

Would you swear, that you'll always be mine?
Or would you lie? Would you run and hide?
Am I in too deep? Have I lost my mind?
I don't care you're here, tonight

I can be your hero, baby
I can kiss away the pain
I will stand by you forever
You can take my breath away

Oh, I just wanna hold you
I just wanna hold you, oh yeah
Am I in too deep? Have I lost my mind?
Well I don't care you're here, tonight

I can be your hero, baby
I can kiss away the pain, oh yeah
I will stand by you forever
You can take my breath away

I can be your hero, I can kiss away the pain
(I can be your hero, baby)
And I will stand by you, forever
You can take my breath away
You can take my breath away
An' I can be your hero

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Gi Memancing Kat Taman Tasik Shah Alam..


My Dear Lalink..Mohd Kahin Leong Bin Rahmat Leong..                                                                                       

Manje2 sikit blh?hehe..love u!

Hehe..t'sengih konon..

Snap dr atas..haha..

Snap dr tepi plak ar..adikku, Syahmi hanye memandang tgk gelagat kami yg tgh gile tgkp gmbr..hehe..

Sweet couple!hope sepjg hayat kami b'sama..

Friday, 23 September 2011

Kenangan Terindah..

Hr ni hr yg best bg aku..cz aku de bf yg romantik & cute..lg 1 yg plg penting, die ajak aku kawen..bestnye!tp xde duit lg le lalink..die ckp nikah dulu..nnti de duit br bt majlis..tp xkn dh ngandung br nk bt majlis..xbest btl..aku suruh die sbr..smbil 2 kumpul duit..nsb die dgr kata..syg die!tetiba teringat 1st date kami..31st July, hr ahad..si dia ambik aku depan rmh..dgn bj kemeja petak2 ijau, rambut t'pacak..so cute!lama xjmpe..10thn..& die btl2 bt jantung aku nk gugur..die call ckp dh kt dpn rmh..my mum plak sibuk nk jmpe die cz lama xjmpe..die dgn macho jmpe my mum & salam, cium tgn lg..aku hanye memerhati..pas 2 kami msk dlm keta BMW papa die..dlm kereta, aku xth nk borak pe cz kelu..t'lalu lama xjmpe..lgpun segan le dgn die cz de ati kt die..tp aku tebalkn muka je borak merepek pe ntah aku pun xingat..hehe.
Smpi di 1Utama, kami g beli tiket wayg cz takut tiket hbs..slalu ramai org..tp hr 2 mcm lengang..sj bg peluang kt kami ye?haha..1st movie..Captain America..perasan gile hubby aku..die ingat die Captain America..aku hanye t'gelak riang tgk perangai perasan die 2..sementara tggu waktu tayangan, kami g mkn kt Nando's..Syoknye die aku tgk cz die suke mkn ayam..lg2 sos die yg mmg menepati citarasa kami..best2!
Pas mkn, kami jln2 kt sana..dr 1 butik ke 1 butik..pas 2 duduk kt kerusi, borak2, perhati org..then, dkt nk time tayangan, kami g kt GSC..beli popcorn & air..masuk dlm wayg..1st time die pegang tgn aku..Wow!rasa renjatan elektrik..haha..romantik sgt..die suruh aku peluk die kalau sejuk..smbil tgk 2, die still perasan die Captain America..haha..lawak..
Pas tgk wayg, kami pun jln2 kt KL..masa 2 die luahkn die sygkn aku & nk aku jd gf die..aku speechless..yela..ms 2 aku masih dgn ex bf aku, asyraf..mmgle dh xthn dgn perangai die yg panas baran tp..aku ckp kt die, aku setuju setelah pikir baik buruknye..die jgn ckple..gembira,dok t'sengih je bile aku ckp yes..haha..dkt maghrib 2, die ajak aku g mkn tom yam kt Kg Baru..marvellous le tom yam die!smbil mkn smbil borak..xsgka aku walaupun die kurus tp kuat mkn..hehe..xpela..bdn xnaik..pas mkn, de tapau sikit tomyam, die hntr aku blk..dlm kereta, sblm blk, aku salam die, cium tgn..die pun cium tgn aku &...pipiku..hehe..suke bile dilyn seromantik mcm 2..serasa dunia ni milik kami..
Tggl 4th August, tarikh aku clash dgn asyraf..aku jmpe die kt IOI Mall..sbnrnye sblm 2 kami de gaduh cz die marah psl pe ntah tp bkn psl aku le..kira die dtg nk pujuk tp aku mintak putus dgn die..ingat lg aku..die menangis..aku pun nangis gak..byk kenangan aku dgn asyraf sbnrnye tp aku mmg xblh thn lg dgn perangai die..lgpun aku dh cintakn kahin..asyraf t'paksa redha cz die hormat keputusan aku..
2nd date with kahin is on 14th August..kami rancang berbuka puasa bersama..kt Flaming Steamboat kt Sunway..die dh booking nama die sblm 2..tghri 2 aku ambik die kt rmh ijad cz kami nk shopping bj raya..g mydin USJ dulu cz slalunye my mum beli bj melayu ayah & adik2 kt sana murah..tgk2 my lalink xde size..bile de size plak, kaler lain..cz thn ni rancang nk pakai kaler biru nk ijau..hehe..cian die..nsb le aku teringat aku beli kebaya raya hr 2 kt 1st Lady de jual bj melayu..kami g Giant Bandar Kinrara..hehe..my lalink pakai size S..kurusnye bf aku..tp die btl2 nmpk smart..comel..pas byr, kami g Sunway Pyramid..cz Flaming Steamboat 2 kt sblh je..jln2 dlm 2, aku msk dlm butik Nicci..die pilihkn aku dress pendek kaler hijau&biru petak2..pas byr, g kt byk butik tp die xbeli pun cz xb'kenan..bile b'kenan plak, t'lalu mahal..pas 2 msk ROMP plak..die beli 1 sluar jeans..cantik..sesuai dgn die..de msk Padini..de bj merah petak2..aku suruh die test..nmpk macho sgt..tp mahal sgt..kalau le aku dh keja, sure aku belikn utk die..xpe, sbr ye lalink?nnti syg belikn..then, kami g kt Flaming 2..ms buka puasa, die mkn xhingat..haha..aku xmkn byk sgt tp aku de suke mkn 1 benda 2..xth nama die tp lalink aku ckp 2 nama die "ulat"..ye2 jela die ni..pas b'buka 2, kami jln2 area 2 & blk rmh..
Pas 2 de byk kali date ar..xkn sume nk cite kot..secret ar..haha..nnti2le aku cite plak..tp yg bestnye mlm nnti,  nk g memancing dgn my lalink & adikku, syahmi kt tasik shah alam..lama dh xmemancing..aku bkn reti pun memancing..tp aku suke tgk org memancing..lg 1 secret, aku ni penakut sikit dgn ikan hidup..haha..jgn bgth org lain..hope le si die xbg ikan hidup kt aku nnti..maunye aku m'jerit 1 shah alam dgr..haha..ok le..de ms lg aku chit chat lg kt sini..bye2..

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

My Mood 4 Today..


You think I'm pretty 
Without any make-up on
You think I'm funny 
When I tell the punch line wrong
I know you get me 
So I let my walls come down

 Before you met me
I was alright but things 
Were kinda heavy 
You brought me to life
Now every February 
You'll be my Valentine

Let's go all
The way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance 
Until we die
You and I 
We'll be young forever

 You make me
Feel like I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's run away 
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

We drove to Cali
And got drunk on the beach
Got a motel and
Built a fort out of sheets
I finally found you
My missing puzzle piece
I'm complete

 Let's go all
The way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance 
Until we die
You and I 
We'll be young forever

 You make me
Feel like I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's run away 
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

I might get your heart racing
In my skin-tights jeans
Be your Teenage Dream tonight
Let you put your hands on me
In my skin-tight jeans
Be your Teenage Dream tonight


 You make me
Feel like I'm living a Teenage Dream
The way you turn me on
I can't sleep
Let's run away 
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

My heart stops
When you look at me
Just one touch
Now baby I believe
This is real
So take a chance
And don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

I might get your heart racing
In my skin-tights jeans
Be your Teenage Dream tonight
Let you put your hands on me
In my skin-tight jeans
Be your Teenage Dream tonight